Mind of Steel for Baseball Success is my latest sport instructional video designed to help baseball (and softball) players maximize their abilities on the field by strengthening mental toughness. The program is based on my many years of working with professional and elite-level players, and offers players countless hands-on, easy to learn tips and techniques deigned to improve focus, minimize anxiety, and strengthen confidence.
When you consider how “mental” the sport of baseball can be (you’re considered a success if you hit .300, meaning you fail 7 out of 10 times!), it’s imperative that both position players and pitchers learn all that they can to improve their mental toughness. This video addresses many important topics, including goal setting, imagery, pre-game and pre-play routines, arousal regulation (and getting in the zone), bounce-back techniques, plus much more.
When you ask a baseball player how much of the game is “mental” he or she will often respond by saying at least 50%, and when asked how many of their on-field errors and breakdowns are “mental” the answer often nears 100%. If this is true, then ask yourself what you are doing to improve your baseball mental toughness? Take your game to the next level — check out Mind of Steel for Baseball Success today!
anxiety, baseball, confidence, focus, mental, psychology, resiliency, softball, sport, toughness, training