What’s the best way to manage stress? Ignore it? Minimize it? Get so drunk you forget about it?? Obviously there are more effective ways to deal with stress than those ideas, so what does the field of psychology have to offer when it comes to stress and improved mental health? Fortunately, we have learned a lot about stress, and by implementing a few basic strategies situations that used to be viewed as threatening may soon turn into healthy life challenges instead.
The 3 best predictors of managing stress
No two people see the same image and walk away with the same exact thoughts, and the same is true when it comes to stress. For example, one person might interpret getting downsized from a job as a terrifying life experience, while another person might experience that same situation as an unexpected life challenge, with the potential to move on to an even better future job. Same situation, but two different approaches — and likely, two different results.
When it comes to stress and mental health, the following three ideas will help you turn otherwise tough days into healthy growing experiences:
- Locus of control. Put in layman terms, locus of control examines if we turn inward (and look at ourselves and what we can do in any given situation), or outward (and place blame on the world around us). People who operate from an internal locus of control tend to manage stress better than those with an external locus of control who attribute blame on anything other than themself.
- Optimism. Again, simply put, people who see the jar as “half-full” handle stress much better than those who think there is no reason to try in life with so much stress impacting their life.
- Predictability. Stress inoculation is when we are able to predict (and prepare) for stress we are likely to experience. You might be surprised at how much life stress is predictable (and how effectively you can prepare), including tomorrow’s traffic on the way to work!
How you identify and appraise stress has a direct and significant effect on the overall quality of your life, and findings in the field of psychology can be especially helpful toward successful stress coping.
Final thoughts
Dealing with life stress can be overwhelming, and how we cope with the challenges we face in life ultimately determines the quality of life we enjoy. The advice provided in today’s column include tips that everyone can implement, as they are not dependent on physical attributes, but instead smart life choices that provide the best chances for future success. Make it a choice to employ an optimistic mindset, take control of your actions, and spend a few moments each day thinking about where your next life challenge may emerge so that you can prepare accordingly.