When it comes to maximizing athletic talent, athletes must train in three inter-related areas: Physical, Technical, and Mental.
Breaking this down, the first two areas are commonly addressed in athletic training. Physical training includes strength, speed, agility, nutrition, and even hydration and rest. Technical development includes all the “X’s and O’s” of sports – learning plays, technique, and basically becoming a student of your sport. The third focus, Mental Development, is what allows the mind and body to work together in perfect synchrony; it’s what helps athletes play with confidence, focus, motivation, and resiliency while minimizing debilitating nerves and anxiety.
In order to improve mental toughness there are a few things to first consider:
- “Mental” training does not mean you have psychological problems! Instead, think of this training as simply one important part to athletic success.
- In order to improve mental toughness, you must first understand what it is — and where you currently stand. The Sport Performance Assessment (SPA) can help you establish your personal baseline, and also includes hands-on training to improve areas of weakness.
- Develop mental goals similar to how you would with physical and technical goals. For example, keep a running journal and regularly examine the progress toward your sport goals.
- Continue ongoing training in this area – check out Own the Game for a qucik and easy overview of mental training techniques and skills.
Don’t let ego get in the way with developing a holistic training program that involves sport psychology mental toughness skills. Train hard, train right, and train smart!